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Public Cloud Consulting Services

Public Cloud Consulting Services
Modernise and Adopt the Cloud

Cloud migration is the process of transferring business data, software applications, and other essential IT components from an onsite location to the cloud. In some cases it may involve the removal, disposal or replacement of in-house IT hardware. Cloud migration can also be conducted between one cloud environment to another cloud environment.

Moving to the cloud, or between cloud environments and structures, can be a complex and risky manoeuvre for the untrained or inexperienced. MIST can assist you with specialised cloud migration services that are designed to: counteract common IT issues, overcome remote processing problems, and cater for your sensitive business data and valuable resources.

Cloud migration services
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Migrate to cloud

For organisations looking to: upgrade their IT systems without the upfront cost of new hardware, outsource associated maintenance requirements and focus on innovative new ways customers or employees can access and use business data, MIST can help with migrations to the cloud. Our Cloud consultants can assess your business situation and address your needs. We offer strategic advice to help our clients determine when and how to migrate to the cloud.
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Cloud to cloud migration

Our cloud to cloud migration services are designed for organisations that have had some experience with Cloud before. These organisations may have found that a previous cloud solution did not meet their exact requirements, they may have outgrown their current cloud solution, or they may be looking for a more advanced cloud structure to better protect their business data, e.g. a private cloud or hybrid cloud service.
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Application and data migration to the cloud

This solution serves to help organisations increase the accessibility of specific business data, and mobilise elements of their workforce. It can also facilitate more collaboration between team members in different locations. For client partners, affiliates or customers, application and data migration facilitates innovative, real-time means of accessing necessary information. Through our services, essential business data can be transferred, stored and shared with minimal risk.
Application and data migration may overlap with software in cloud and cloud backup solutions. Please see relevant sections for more information.
Benefits of cloud migration with MIST
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Ensure a smooth transition

With our team of experts, you don’t have to worry about all the possible issues. Instead, a smooth transition in your migration to cloud is in place to keep your data secure while we easily transfer your data into the relevant areas.
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Safe and secure transfers

As we document all our processes, you will gain a holistic understanding of how we go about our transfers. We will clarify exactly how secure it will be to migrate any data, with us having contingency plans in place to ensure security.
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No interruption of your current systems

We know that downtime for any system is time wasted for your company. We don’t want you to stop what you are doing because you are upgrading. The purpose of upgrading is to become more efficient and get in more business, more efficiently. We support that notion and migrate all your content without interrupting your current processes.


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