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Private Cloud Services

Private Cloud Services

Dedicated controlled environment driving performance and security

A private cloud is a network of shared IT resources distinctly dedicated to a specific client. It relies on remote, data centre infrastructure, to form a secure and scalable solution that can virtualise entire business environments in advanced and independent cloud ecosystems without compromising control, privacy or security.

When coupled with effective managed IT services, private clouds can increase workforce flexibility, enhance business efficiency, redirect resources to core business activity and generate significant upfront cost savings.

MIST develops individualised, dynamic and decisively secure Managed Private cloud solutions. Ask us how we can architect a private cloud solution for you today.

Private cloud solutions are ideal for organisations that:

Have market sensitive, highly private, secret and/or confidential business data
Consider the control, dedication, privacy and security of private cloud if you have information that:

  • has significant commercial value,
  • contributes to a competitive advantage, or
  • is potentially damaging or dangerous in the wrong hands.

With private cloud it is less likely that mistakes or malicious activities could have an impact (like they might with public cloud).

Heavily rely on stored data or require constant recall of data in providing services

If you could not possibly operate without your IT systems and don’t have a pen and paper fallback option, your business is characterised by constantly moving pieces. If you employ a mobile workforce that needs to access a centralised database without fail, then private cloud may be necessary so that your business can keep moving in the event of hardware or infrastructure failures. Ask us about high availability and what it would mean for your business.

Are invested in legacy software systems vital for day-to-day business operations

An upgrade or replacement of one IT system component need not necessitate the replacement of another. If you have spent a lot of time and money developing or customising IT systems that simplify, optimise and support your unique business processes and procedures, then you probably want to make sure these systems can continue to run in your new cloud environment. Private Cloud more readily allows you to take the necessary actions to keep your legacy systems running.

Need to combine managed IT services with safe and secure cloud solutions

A managed private cloud solution can take IT outsourcing to its limits. Through private cloud, organisations can just about achieve company-wide virtualisation. MIST can manage servers, networks, PCs and other IT infrastructure. Your business will never have to worry about system patches, upgrades, monitoring, or user-based additions and reductions again.

Require separate, secure, flexible and reliable access to IT assets

There are any number of situations or reasons when and why a Private Cloud Environment would be required. Talk to us for isolated, safe and flexible managed private cloud solution that you can control.

Benefits of a managed private cloud environment
Full governance and control

With private cloud you are not restricted by a major suppliers’ standard offering, nor forced into any unwanted upgrades or changes. You may voluntarily relinquish the management and support tasks associated with IT infrastructure but you maintain full control over your business data and can still make IT decisions based on your evolving needs or wants.

High level security for added peace of mind

A dedicated environment has well-defined bounds and limits. There is no risk of information or hardware overlapping between different companies. Access can be restricted to individual requirements. Offsite infrastructure is a lot less likely to be stolen or damaged. Data centres are set up or selected with the best security, privacy and confidentiality in mind.

Cost control and savings

Private cloud allows organisations to restructure their costs. There is no need for large capital upfront. IT infrastructure can be leased by paying small, manageable, monthly sums. This allows other spending (the type that generates work) to be moved forward. Additional savings can also be derived from offloading the: risk of hardware failure and responsibility for hardware maintenance, warranty management and business downtime.

Performance and reliability

Our private cloud solutions utilise data centres specifically designed for professional IT services and best of breed IT infrastructure. To ensure utmost performance and reliability, our solutions incorporate planning for:

  • hardware resilience,
  • hardware backups,
  • internet pipelines,
  • internet speeds,
  • power redundancy,
  • air conditioning, and
  • 24/7 monitoring.

Or, any other service inclusions that minimise downtime and promote business continuity.


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